The Hakdefnet Risk Intelligence Report is a CISO’s fundamental tool for protecting valuable infrastructures, private data, and business operations against destabilizing industrial spying, corporate spying, warfare and crime attackers. Combining information from multiple sources and building correlations between them, assessing both structured and unstructured formats, this cyber threat intelligence report provides insights about potential cyber risks to the safety of an organization and its resources. Using a customer-centric approach, the Hakdefnet team puts at the core of the Risk Intelligence Report the belief that different organizations require different intelligence data and vulnerability research capabilities due to the kind of business they are dealing with, their size, and the financial budget allocated for their cybersecurity defense.
Some of the powerful benefits include:
New potential cyber risks and threats assessments based on specific organizations’ intelligence profile
Flexibility in searching for new cyber risks
Cyber risk and threat data identified through Hakdefnet’s unique vulnerability research & analysis innovative technology (Darknet & Open)
One-time reports and .csv files for cyber defense teams to get updates on a regular basis with annual subscriptions
Test now your organization’s exposure to cyber risks to ensure that immediate high-risks are communicated and reported.
Subscribe and get access to essential threat intelligence data any CISO needs to build better cyber defence for its organization.
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