CyberNSight is a cyber risk & cyber security intelligence solution that puts the Risk-Assessment at the forefront of any initiative to protect public or private organizations against unknown attacks. CyberNSight finds and detects threats and cyber risks that standard antiviruses and simple firewalls cannot. It provides CISOs and security decision-makers worldwide with business risk intelligence and cyber security intelligence to understand better how to protect their organizations against cyber risks.
CyberNSight’s unique Risk Intelligence Engine is responsible for finding, classifying, and understanding emerging cyber risks. It collects data, classifies, analyzes, and qualifies it so that those immediate risks that are important are communicated and reported.
H-OSINT shows the resulting analysis of which risks are relevant based on your organizations’ assets and the level of risk those assets currently have. Risks can include customer data, servers, smartphones, accounts, company information, and attacks currently being planned or sold on the Darknet or monitored groups.
What are we protecting, where is it, who owns it?
What Threats are out there and how are they relevant to me?
What threats pose a Cyber Risk to your assets, in which countries or locations?
Collecting evidence about what happens, where, how through whom and why.
Uses risk intelligence skills to detect, find, and analyze attacks. Learn from attacks, predict possible trends, and new clusters of threats and cyber risks in the future
Using all modern science and information collection procedures possible while remain easy to understand.
CyberNSight detects all the common or relevant threats and risks like blackholes, drive-by-downloads, Trojans, malware, viruses, known exploits, phishing attacks, and breached accounts.
Real-Time Threat and Risk Feeds Integration API
With CyberNSight, business decision makers, CIOs, CISOs and federal chief information security officers make faster and targeted decisions, changing their performance in combating and detecting cyber risks, attacks, and threats from reactive to proactive. CyberNSight’s continuously learning system offers the best protection against damages resulting from compromised data when security leaders don’t know the attacker.
CyberNSight replaces the effort of an entire team of 25 to 30 people for intelligence collection.
CyberNSight gathers in one central place all the information that an analyst or cyber researcher needs about trends, relevant threats, and risks
CyberNSight helps organizations decrease with up to 90% the time spent on Darknet intelligence collection
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