Cybersecurity Consulting

Anytime, anywhere, we work to increase your resilience against cyber threats

Not every company can afford to hire an IT-Security Officer or Analyst Team. Every moment new threats and risks are used to attack companies. Many victims are not aware of their private and confidential data after it has been breached. 

Leveraging the potential of tools and people together

Hakdefnet offers cybersecurity consulting services as a way for companies to protect their data, information, and business against unknown attacks and possible breaches before these are seen or known. We’ve dedicated our time and efforts to developing products and services that companies can leverage with ease to enhance their cybersecurity presence. 

Our Hakdefnet Risk Intelligence Report is a company’s first line of defense against cyber threats that target valuable infrastructures, private data, and business operations. By combining the insights and data with a team of cybersecurity experts and consultants, we make sure that your company is fully prepared from a cybersecurity perspective. We believe that each business is unique and require different intelligence data and vulnerability research capabilities. As a result of this belief, our consulting services are flexible and can include:

Hakdefnet core competencies

Business cyber risks analysis

Interpretation of the Risk Repor

Advanced analysis on how different breaches are connected

Building a protection plan

Support the company in implementing the protective measures

Educating end-users on best practices and next steps

Supporting business leaders across the globe

We know that business decision-makers need reliable tools and services to do their job properly, and when it comes to cybersecurity, things are even more critical. With CyberNSight and the help from our team of cybersecurity experts, CIOs, CISOs and federal chief information security officers can fasten the decision-making process, improve their cyber performance, and proactively combat their businesses’ cyber risks.

Want to learn more about our cybersecurity consulting services?

Fill out the form below to set-up a 30 min call and discuss your risk intelligence needs.

    We respect your privacy 100%, so the information that you provide will remain strictly confidential. If you complete the form, we will process your data given in the form in order to provide you with answers to your question and, depending on the content of the question, to submit an offer. Here you will find out how we process your data.

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