
May 2, 2019

Free Risk Indicator Report

Find out what risks you are facing, using our easy and fast risk Intel threat checker!
January 8, 2019

Datenverstoß in der Sandbox

Die letzten Tage waren gelinde gesagt interessant, der Bundestag wurde wieder einmal gehackt und niemand weiß mehr als vorher. Mit all den fake News und Berichten […]
January 8, 2019

Data Breach in the Sandbox

The last few days have been interesting to say the least, the Bundestag got hacked once again and no one is the wiser. With all the […]
January 4, 2019
Operation Kraken hakdefnet

Operation KRAKEN Strikes Again!

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel in Deutsch hier ~ Read this in German here. See also: “Operation KRAKEN” published in September 2018 Friday, 4th of January ~ […]
January 3, 2019
cyber profiling

Threat and risk profiling and detection

Today’s attackers are more sophisticated and complex, you need to be one step ahead without constant manual effort.
January 3, 2019
IOT threat detection

IOT and cyber threat detection

Attackers can use IoT to break into your home or company. Don't let them!
January 3, 2019
mallware detection

Malware discovery and analysis

Only proactive and dynamic automated defenses can be successful
January 3, 2019
cyber espionage detection

Cyber Espionage Detection

Cyber Crime, Warfare and Espionage - do you know the difference?
May 2, 2019

Gratis Risiko Indikatoren Auswertung

Finden Sie heraus, was für Risiken Sie haben, und verwenden Sie unseren komfortablen und schnellen Intel Threat Checker!
April 4, 2019

Die wirklichen Kosten von fehlerhaften Softwareprodukten

346 Menschen starben an den Folgen von Softwareproblemen, wenn wir in sicheren Code, Tests und Sicherheit in der Entwicklung investieren, dann wären diese 346 Menschen vielleicht nicht bei 2 Flugzeugabstürzen gestorben.
April 4, 2019

True Cost of Software Errors

346 people died because of software issues, if we invest in secure code, testing and security in development then maybe those 346 people would not have died in 2 plane crashes.
March 25, 2019

CRisk Framework

We are introducing another giant step in OSINT and Cyber Risk Intelligence by introducing our own CRisk Framework.
January 29, 2019

FaceTime Terrorismus

Ein bisher unveröffentlichter FaceTime Bug ermöglicht es Angreifern, Ihre Gespräche ohne Ihr Wissen aufzunehmen.
January 29, 2019

FaceTime Terrorism

A previously unpublished FaceTime bug allows attackers to record your discussions without your knowledge.
January 12, 2019

Simply Undetectable

As this year (2019) starts to mature we are and will see more and more attacks that target SMB’s (Small and Medium Businesses) and also larger […]
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