Use cases with CyberNsight
I wanted to talk about what we are doing to stop unknown malware and threats as well as risks from turning into fines for customers or worse stolen IP and or data of customers, contracts, research or any relevant value in the form of a given asset type.
I said before that risk intelligence in essence is finding things that will be tomorrows next attacks, when you think about it this is really a tall order and most solutions out there don’t come close to delivering.
We wanted to change this, and we believe have done this in a secure yet open platform way that does not tie any customer to a specific solution, firewall, siem or anti virus.
Risks are not things that are known (usually) and since that is the case no firewall rule or antivirus signature exists that can block something that is unknown. If we are really lucky an attacker or an attack has just enough similar components so that previous rules or signatures or behavioral statistics or a profile may fit. If none of these previous detection and deterrence options exists then you have the issue of classifying and finding something that you don’t know anything about, how it works, what it is doing and how you can detect it with an indicator or alert.
This is where risk intelligence comes into play. We have spend literally 1000’s of hours looking into some of the most complex attacks that use social engineering as well as every other trick in the malware, phishing and virus bag of tricks so far. When you compare attacks and how these evolve you start to understand that attacks no longer use the standard attacking plan or profiles that we are use to finding and tracking.
Recent attacks that reuse code look like one thing but may in fact be something total different. Often as details of those attacks surface we find something much deeper or significant going on that requires very specific training, data and experience. This is where Operation NeedleStack comes into play with CyberNSight.
We believe that only solutions that can evolve with attacks and learn from them will be successful in the years to come in finding and collecting information and indicators of those attacks so that people can protect themselves. Simply put, attacks follow a nation-state or espionage type of game plan. If you have a flexible system that is open and can help you find the unfindable, then you can start to protect yourself against the unknown.
I like to compare our solution and approach to a flashlight. If you are in the dark and you want to know where to go you need light. Only when you have light do you see the stones, roots, ledges and any other types of risks that can turn into threats to your life or your teams well-being. NeedleStack is your light in the darkness!
We offer the first customizable and flexible Risk and Threat Assessment engine, automated searches and research in any website, forum, or available data (structured and unstructured), additionally streaming of various threat and risks intelligence sensors and data in near real time with data science analytics that are customizable.
All this information in an easy to use, easy to configure, easy to report and easy to import into any other system using our very own API. Our team of experts and expert partners help us every day to find the unfindable, to classify the un-classifiable and to do the impossible.
We think its important to talk about some of the examples that you can use NeedleStack to find risks that others can not or currently don’t. (and we are far from done…)
Our solutions are based on finding information that is hard to see without experience and a team of people that know exactly where to look, why to look and how to look. After you find information the next task is how to know the information is relevant. Here we can qualify threats, risks and unstructured data in any way you want to reduce the time you need to view and evaluate the relevance of a found threat or risk is to you.
We are looking for customers tired of the fear and FUD sales campaigns, great researchers that do so much to help identify threats and risks and partners who want to sell something that actually works and is open. If this is what you are looking for then lets talk, we are here for you! Its time to make security fun and fair again.